August 1, 1943
Camp Wheeler GA
Dear Sweetheart,
I just got finished writing a letter to my mother and father. I received two letters
from you, one of them tellimg me about Jimmy Jenkins. Boy, he sure is in a mess. I guess he will never be any
good and wish you would stay away from him .Because I don't trust him as far as the wrighting in front of me.
You asked me about that side girl, well, honey it was a mistake, I had it all wrong. What I meant to say was a pin-up
girl. Do you know what I mean? You sent me a clipping out of the paper about it. Well, honey, I won a couple
of dollars today and I sure need it. It was very hot today and after I finish this letter I am going swimming with the
gang. (Do you mind?) I hope not. Well tomorrow we start on our 8th week . Ain't that swell.
It will be no time before I am finished my training and then I hope I get a furlough. Hurry and send me the pictures
you took of everybody for I am anxious to see them. Boy it is sure swell when you send me picture of you and the baby
and I will give you a kiss for every one of them when I come home (and alot of things). Gee, honey, I just can't get
used to being away from you for every minute of the day I am thinking of you. Well, honey, after I get back from swimming
I will try to write you another letter telling you what I did.
Love you always

WOLF'S NEWS FLASH: In the below letter, Dutch
says it cost him an extra .45 cents from the phone company to say "I LOVE YOU'' after the operator signalled that time
was up. To give you an idea what 45 cents meant in 1943: one loaf of bread, one pound of butter and
a can of corn. Boy, that would make me mad too.
August 3, 1943
Camp Wheeler, Georgia
Dear Sweetheart,
When I called you up
today, I really had a lot to say to you, “but I don’t know,” but I just couldn’t say them. What
I wanted to tell you was that I love you more than anything in the world and how much I missed you. But then 3 minutes
sure go fast, and they charged me $3.15 for the call. When the operator said the 3 minutes was up and I said I
love you and said goodbye, the operator charged m $.45 cents more. Boy was I mad. When you called
me up did you have to pay anything extra?
Sunday while playing
cards, I won $11.00 dollars, but I lost $5 back on Monday while we were camping. I told you on the phone that we went
out Monday for 24 hours straight. We were doing everything they did on the real battle front. Boy I sure was tired
when we came back. We were off all morning and this afternoon we went to the movies and saw battle pictures and after
that we had a machine gun learning how to take it apart and how it worked. We will fire it in a week or two. I
think its swell that Jimmy and Aggie got engaged for I really think they love each other and I think its pretty unfair for
your mother to talk about me and you honey. I can’t help it if I’m in the army, for I didn’t start
this war. I’m pretty fed up on her talking about us all the time and when I get home again, we are going to move
away from that neighborhood, far away from all relatives. What do you say about it? Boy honey, I sure will pay
up for the time I have been away from you and I can hardly wait till I can see you. Let me know what the doctor says
about you coming to see me, for I wouldn’t want you to get hurt, while taking the trip. I hope he says it’s
alright for you to come. Please honey, take very good care of yourself and the baby, for you don’t know how much
I worry about you two and I think I would go crazy if anything happened to any of you. The fellow who bunks next to
me got bad news while we were out camping. The officer came out in a jeep and asked him if he was a good soldier.
He said yes and the officer told him his mother died. Boy I sure felt sorry for him and if I got any news like that
about anybody, I would go nuts. So honey, please take care of yourself, for I love you very much.
Loving you always,
P.S. I love you and the
baby very much xxxxxxxx

Jimmy and Agnes (engaged) with unknown woman

August 5, 1943
Camp Wheeler, Georgia
Dear Sweetheart,
Well today is Thursday[illegible]
training for today. Boy is that dirty fighting and sure got banged up. Out of each platoon, they got one man to
fight me in another platoon and everything was fair. You could do anything to each other, except stick your finger in
one another's eye, so you know it was a rough day. I won, but I got a long scratch across my cheek and bruised shoulder
and strawberry knee’s, so you know the other guy was pretty tough. I had to take special care of my family jewels
(that’s what they call your privates in the army) for you were allowed to grab them and squeeze them to make you give
up. Nice battle! Don’t you think. You ought to be here and see us, we sure look a sight. In
your letter today honey you said you were the happiest girl in the world when I called you up, but you couldn’t have
been any happier than me. I only wished I could have put my arms through the mouthpiece and hugged and kissed you, but
as it is, I guess I’ll have to be satisfied just talking to you. You said you were waiting till you got some money
to call me up. Well honey, I would [illegible] you to do that, but as I know you haven’t the money to throw
away like that, I would much rather you wouldn’t, for its only a waste of money. I could not say half the things
I wanted to and yet it cost me $3.15. So honey you wait and whenever I have the money I will call you up. So keep
your fingers crossed so that I will hit a card game. The last few days I haven’t had any luck and I’m almost
broke again, but I hope to win some soon. You say you like to hear me say, I love you, well honey, the next time I call
you, you aren’t going to hear anything but that and how much I miss you. So you see when you call me up, I can’t
talk freely and I would much rather talk about how much I love and miss you. Tonight I’m going to do nothing but
clean my rifle and go to bed for I’m pretty sore in the muscles. All I am doing every day is counting the days
before I can see you honey and they seem to be getting closer and closer, so in no time I will be home.
When you go to bed tonight,
kiss the baby for me, for I really miss her too. Well honey that’s all I can think of right now, so until tomorrow,
I will say good night and god bless you and the babies. Always remember sweetheart, that I love you more than anything
in the world.
Loving you always,
P.S. I hope you get to
see me xxxxxxxxxx

August 6, 1943
Camp Wheeler, Georgia
Dear Sweetheart,
Today I received 4 letters,
3 from you and one from my mother. She also wrote and told me that Rudy asked for $20. Well I hope my mother sends
it to him for I know how it is when a guy is broke. In your letter you asked me to think of you at 10:00 o’clock
tonight, well honey I know I can’t possibly miss thinking of you at that time, for I am thinking of you every second
of the day. So you ought to know that I love you very much and I know that you love me. Well honey you better
not take the trip down here, for the doctor ought to know what he is talking about when he told you not to. I am very
disappointed, but I would not want anything to happen to you for the world. Don’t feel too bad about it, for it
won’t be long before I get home on furlough. Anyway, an officer told us tonight that we have to get permission
to rent a room in town, for the rent went up so high for the soldier’s folks, that they are investigating the rents.
Before a person's relative can get a room, it has to be approved by an office board first. So you see honey you would
have to have a good bit of money anyway. So forget [page missing]

August 7, 1943
Camp Wheeler, Georgia
Dear Sweetheart,
Today I received three
letters off of you and one had the picture of you and the baby. The baby sure looked cute in Jimmies hat. Why
didn’t you take one with your wearing it? That’s the kind of pictures I like you to send me, so take more
of them, will you! Well, today we had inspection and I didn’t make the grade. They giged me on a dirty bayonet,
but I sneaked out and went to the movies anyway. The name of the picture was Dixie and it was really good. Was
it up the Benn yet? You say you wrote to Jessy about the allotment, well it’s a good thing you did, for the fellow
across from me said his wife got hers. When I got back from the movies the fellows said I had a phone call, did you
call me honey? I hope not for I would be mad at myself for going to the movies and missing your phone call. Well
honey that’s all I can think to write at the present, so until tomorrow and always. Gee honey if I were only near
you I wouldn’t mind this army life, but being separated from you, makes me bitter towards it. I love and miss
you more each day.
Loving you always,
P.S. Love and millions
of kisses xxxxxx

August 8, 1943
Camp Wheeler, Georgia
Dear Sweetheart,
Well today is Sunday
and I just got up. It is now 9:30 and I am going to wash out all my underwear and work clothes after I finish this letter.
I won’t be able to go anywhere for I am on alert today. Well honey I just came back from talking to the women
I love more than anything in the world. It’s the only time that I ever feel happy is when I hear your voice.
Why did you waste all that precious time just questioning me where I was Saturday night. As I told you in last night's
letter I went to the movies, and after the movies I went to the writing room and wrote you last night's letter.
There I met the guys from the 4th platoon and we got a card game together. Right now I am still holding $2.75
and I had $3.00 to start with. So I lost a quarter for the night. But I hope to build that up later on today.
Gee honey, when the 3
minutes were up, I didn’t have a chance to say what I wanted to, for all you asked me was where I was at Saturday night.
Gee Honey, if you only knew how bad that made me feel, especially when I said that I loved you and you started crying.
Right now all I feel like doing is leaving here and going home to see you and holding you in my arms. If I don’t
get a furlough next month, I am going to come home to see you anyway. Right now I feel very sad and lonely for you and
the phone call made me feel worse. Well, that’s about all I have to say at the present, for right now I don’t
feel like writing at all. So until later in the day, I love you worse and worse as the seconds tick by.
Loving you always,
P.S. I’ll
write more this afternoon, love and kiss xxxxxx

August 8, 1943
Camp Wheeler, Georgia
Dear Sweetheart,
Well I don’t have
very much to write about except that I washed my clothes and then we had to start filling machine gun belts at 1:30 till now.
It is now 8:00 o’clock and I still have to write a letter to my mother after I finish this one. So I guess I’ll
go to bed early tonight for we have to get up at 5:00 o’clock in the morning and go out on the range and fire the machine
gun, that is why we had to fill up the belts today. Some of the fellows are still down there filling them up, but I
quit sooner because I wanted to write these letters. So you see honey, I even took a chance of getting K.P. to write
to you. Doesn’t that prove that I love you more than anything on earth. Well honey this morning after I
finished getting your phone call and writing the letter I shot some dice, but it proved to be disastrous. I am now what
you call flat broke until payday. When you called me up today, why did you start crying when I said I love you.
Boy it sure is worrying me and I feel like going A.W.O.L. to see you and put my arms around you. Darling, I don’t
think I can stand this much longer without seeing you Honey and I would do anything to be back with you and the baby again.
If I knew of a way to get out of this army I wouldn’t stay here another day. Gosh sweetheart, I can’t express
in words how much I want to be near you again, but I guess that’s impossible till this war is over. I guess you
don’t believe what I am writing you and think it’s a lot of bull, but I am writing you this from the bottom of
my heart. I really love you more than life itself for right now. Its worst than death being away from you so long.
I never before realized how much torture it was being away from the ones you loved, but I know now and I would do anything
to be back home with you. In your letter today you said my mother told you that I did not get the cigarettes yet, and
you asked me if I thought you spent the money. Don’t you think that was a little sarcastic. You know I wouldn’t
even think of anything like that about you. I know that I have the wonderfullest wife in the world and I love her more
than life itself. You also sent me a card in the letter for me to answer, so you will find it answered from the bottom
of my heart and I hope you believe every word of it, for I mean it. Well honey, I guess that’s enough for today
and if I don’t see you before you get this letter remember that I love you only and no one else can ever take
your place in my heart.
Loving you forever,
P.S. Honey if I were
only home, I wouldn’t have to write my love, but then I could demonstrate it, so that you would see what I mean. xxxxxxxx.

August 10, 1943
Camp Wheeler
Dear Sweetheart,
I don’t know what
to say today, for I did not receive any mail from you and I would like to know why? I did get one letter and that was
from your Aunt Emma. I also got a card from Nevins saying that they sent the cigarettes to me, but as yet I didn’t
get them. Honey why didn’t you write? Was anything wrong? I hope not, and I wished you would tell
me why you didn’t write me. It better be a good explanation.
We were down the firing
range again today and when we came back, we had to clean the machine guns so it was the same as yesterday. It is now
8:00 o’clock and I am finished all my work. There isn’t anything doing around camp tonight for I can’t
play cards as I am broke, so I guess I’ll have to go to bed after I write this letter. I don’t know whether
you believe me or not but all I do is play cards or go to the movies once in a while, until my money runs out or my luck,
which hasn’t been so good.
Well honey, tomorrow
we have swimming so that ought to be pretty good. They are going to teach us how to swim with equipment. Half
of the Platoon don’t even know how to swim, so that ought to be pretty good. Well honey, that’s all I can
think of except that I love you very much and I hope I get home soon to see you.
Loving you always,
Dutch xxxxxx
P.S. Tell me why you
didn’t write today. It must have been Monday [illegible]

August 11, 1943
Camp Wheeler, Georgia
Dear Sweetheart,
Well today we had landscape
targets on the machine guns. Landscape targets are targets that have pictures of houses, bridge, woods and everything
that has to do with the background of the countryside. Like if the officer says, enemy advancing on hillside by the
road, well we fired our machine guns by the directions he gave us. Tomorrow we go out in the woods and fire at the real
background at 11,000 yards. Now that’s quit a distance so I guess it will be pretty tough shooting. Well
honey, I got two letters off of you, one saying you didn’t get any mail from me on Aug. 10 or 9th.
Well honey, all I can say is that I write you every day. So I don’t know why you didn’t get any. Boy
I sure feel sorry for Jimmy Jenkins when he gets back for they are going to make him wish he never want over the hill.
We have quit a few guy’s that go over the hill here and I know what they do to them. So don’t ever worry
about me going over, for I have more sense to do a thing like that. You say that you were surprised to go down Dotties
for dinner. I thought you said that you didn’t want anything to do with the neighborhood. Honey, why don’t
you stay away from there, for I don’t like your being near there. So stay away will you. That’s all
I can think of honey, so, remember that you are the only girl for me and I love you much too much and miss you very, very
Loving you eternally,
P.S. I didn’t go
anywhere tonight for I was on alert. Always remember honey, I wouldn’t keep anything from you xxxxxx

August 13, 1943
Camp Wheeler, Georgia
Dear Sweetheart,
Well I got the cigarettes
today and also the writing paper that Kathy sent me. In your letter today, you said that Jim Jenkins came to your house
and asked Edith if she wanted to go out with him and some fellows and girls. Well are you sure that he didn’t
come and ask you too. Boy, I don’t like that guy, for he sure has a lot of nerve asking his sister to go out and
her with two children. I don’t think he’s all there. Do you? I won’t feel a bit sorry
for him when the M.P.’s catch up to him.
Well today we had machine
guns firing in the morning and in the afternoon we had mortar instructions. So next week we will fire the mortar.
We got back about 5:00 o’clock and ate supper, then we had to clean the machine guns, clean our rifles, mess kits, foot
lockers and shoes for tomorrow's inspection. Boy I’m telling you honey, they don’t give us a minute to ourselves.
It’s now 10:30 and I still have to take a shower and shave. So I guess it will be 11:30 before I get to bed, and
that sure hurts for a guy needs some sleep if he expects to stay out of the hospital. Well honey as it is late I will
write you more tomorrow. I love you, darling and miss you terribly. Kiss Kathy for me and tell her
that her daddy loves her very much.
Loving you forever,
P.S. I love you xxxxxxxx

August 14, 1943

August 14, 1943
Camp Wheeler, Georgia
Dear Sweetheart,
Today was Inspection,
and after inspection we had map reading. After map reading we went to the movies and saw what we should do under actual
combat. After that we ate lunch. After lunch we had some more mortar instructions, then we had instructions on
the carbine rifle. A carbine rifle is a rifle that also shoots’ anti-tank grenades. We got half through
the instruction when it started to rain, and I mean rain. In about two minutes we were soaked and wet. We then
went back to our barracks and changed clothes and dried our rifles and stuff. It is now 7:00 o’clock and I don’t
know if I am going out or not, so I will wait till later on in the night to finish this letter (ok). Well, I just got
back from the movies, some fellow had a book of tickets, so he gave me one. It is now 11:00 o’clock and there
is a crap game on the second floor of our barracks, but as I am broke, I’ll have to go to bed. So I will write
you two letters tomorrow honey for tomorrow is Sunday.
Goodnight sweetheart,
I love you more than anything on earth.
Love and kisses,
P.S. I love and miss
you terribly xxxxxx

August 15, 1943
Camp Wheeler, Georgia
Dear Sweetheart,
Well I just got up and
it is now 8:30. After I finish this letter I am going to wash out all my clothes and socks. That will take me
until lunch and after lunch, I don’t know what I am going to do. I usually play cards all day Sunday, but I can’t
very well do it today, as I am broke. So I guess I’ll just lay around and read all day. Boy these Sundays
wouldn’t be half bad if only you were near, so that you could visit me on Sundays. We start our 10th
week Monday, so honey, it won’t be very long before we see each other again. Won’t that be wonderful honey.
The mortar is our last
weapon we have to know how to fire so it won’t be so tough anymore, and boy am I glad of that. The only thing
I am going to like, is that 10 days [illegible], that’s going to be tough. We have to live under actual combat
life, and we won’t be able to do anything. But until then, I won’t worry about that right now. Well
honey I don’t have any more to say except that I love you and miss you terribly. Maybe I’ll have
some news for you later on in the day, so until then I’ll say, “be good and take care of yourself and the babies
for me.” I love you very, very much.
Loving you forever,
P.S. Do you still miss
me as much as ever xxxxxxxx

August 15, 1943
Camp Wheeler, Georgia
Dearest Cass,
Well as yet, I’m
still in the barracks. I just came back from supper and I thought I would start another letter. All I did all
day was lay on my bunk and think of you and the baby. Do you lay in your bed sometimes and think of what I am doing?
If you do you can just imagine how miserable I am, being away from you. I think I’ll go to the movies again tonight
so I’ll have to borrow another ticket off of that fellow, so when I come back I’ll finish this letter, (ok).
Well honey, I just came
back from the movies, the picture was “You Were Never Lovelier” with Fred Astair and Rita Hayworth. It wasn’t
bad, but I seen a lot better. I just heard that we had a night problem tomorrow night, so don’t be disappointed
if I don’t get a letter off. Don’t forget the next package you send me, put some shorts in it, for I need
them. Also, get me one of those razors I had, for I lost the one I took with me. You know honey, I really missed
you terribly today as I kept thinking of home and you and the baby, that’s why I went to the movies, so that I could
get my mind off of home. Sweetheart, I never knew a guy could love his wife so terribly much as I do, and being separated
from you is hell itself. Boy if only I had of been a 4F job, I wouldn’t be here now. Well goodnight sweetheart
and god bless you and the baby.
Loving you forever,
P.S. I love you xxxxxxxx

August 16, 1943
Camp Wheeler, Georgia
Dearest Cass,
I received your letter
that you sent air mail today. As I told you in last night's letter, I have to go out on a night problem. I just
got finished eating supper and when I came back I read your letter. I just have about time to answer it, but as it is
important to you, I will answer it right away. It’s too bad that I haven’t 3 cents or I would send it back
air mail. As you wrote that I am a very unfaithful husband and you say you don’t know whether I love
you or not. Don’t you think your being a little silly about the whole thing. I forgot all about it but if
I knew that it would hurt you so much, I would have told you long ago. There really wasn’t a thing to it, for
I only went out there and skated around with the fellows. I don’t even remember skating with Betty, but I guess
I did. I really didn’t even enjoy myself, for as soon as it was time for you to be done work, I left right away
for I wanted to be with you more than anybody else. But when you say that you don’t know whether I love you or
not, that hurts me for I love you more than anything in the world. So darling will you forgive me for not telling you
that I went skating. I love you very much and I hope you believe me. Do you?
Loving you forever,
P.S. Wait until I get
back home, then you’ll find out if I love you or not xxxxxxxxx

Undated Postcard:
Dearest Daughter,
Will you tell your mommy
that I love her very much, and miss her very much. Also, daddy misses you very much and when I get back home we are
going to have a load of fun together, aren’t we. (You, mommy and I).
Your loving Daddy.

Tuesday, August 17, 1943
Camp Wheel, Georgia
Dear Sweetheart,
Well, we got done early
this afternoon and it is now 5:10 p.m. In ten minutes we fall out for retreat. All we did this afternoon was learn
how to operate the mortar and we were finished at 4:00 o’clock. We then had a 5 minute fire drill, so that’s
all we did for the day. Thursday, again we have a night problem, so I guess we have it as easy again. (I hope).
Well honey I don’t know where I’ll go tonight, but I may go to the movies, for there is a very good picture playing.
The name of the picture is “Salute to the Marines,” with Wallace Beery. If it comes down your way,
see it for I hear its good. We’ll I’ll wait until later to finish this letter in case anything new turns
up (O.K.). Well honey it is now 10:00 o’clock and I went to the movies. I got a letter from you tonight
and it puzzles me. It was postmarked in Bridgeport, PA, so how was it mailed there? I wished you would explain
it in your next letter. Well honey I’ll send it back so that you will see for yourself (O.K.). Well goodnight
honey, I love you more than life itself.
Loving you forever
P.O. I love you

Tuesday, August 17, 1943
Camp Wheeler, Georgia
Dear Sweetheart,
Well like I said, last
night we went on a night problem. While we were hiking they threw a screen of tear gas on us and we had to put our gas
masks on. We walked that way for about a mile and it sure was tough. When we hit our camping area we pitched tents.
As soon as we had them pitched, they gave us another dose of gas and we had to take down our tents with gas masks on.
Boy when we got back we were sure tired, and they had some coca and doughnuts for us, that was two a.m., and as soon as I
finished eating, I hit the hay. It is now 11:30 and I just got through taking a shower. I didn’t get up
this morning for breakfast, so now I am waiting for the dinner gong. After lunch, we have to work the rest of the afternoon.
Honey, I was wishing that I had the money to call you up this morning, just like the last time I had the morning off, for
I would very much like to hear your voice again. Well honey I have to go now for the whistle just blew for chow.
I love you more and more, as each second ticks by and wished I could be with you.
Loving you forever,
Dutch xxxxxxx
P.S. when you see my
mother ask her if she can send me a few dollars till payday. Or ask Herby about the money he was supposed to send me.
Honey when you send me another box, send me some underwear for I need them. Send the ones I have put away. I love
you honey and miss you terribly.

Wednesday, August 18,
Camp Wheeler, Georgia
Dear Sweetheart,
Well today we had more
instructions on the mortar after lunch. We went down the firing range and fired the carbine rifle. After we fired
the carbine we had the rest of the afternoon off. We were finished firing at about 3:00 o’clock then we cleaned
up the range. We got back to the barracks at 4:00 o’clock and then we cleaned the guns. It is now
7:00 o’clock and after I finish this letter, I am going to shave and take a shower. The fellow across from me
left last night on a furlough, for his wife was having a baby and the doctor called up and asked him to hurry home, for his
wife was having trouble. He asked for a furlough before, but the company commander told him he couldn’t get one
unless he was needed at home. So honey if you want me to get home, you tell the doctor you need me and if he O.K.s it
he will inform the Red Cross and they will get in touch with my company commanders to get me a furlough to come home.
That is the only way that I can get a furlough, so make sure you do what I just told you, (O.K.). I love you honey,
and I want to be with you every second, when the time comes for you to have the baby.
Loving you always,
Dutch xxxxxxxxx

Undated Postcard:
Dearest Daughter,
How are you today?
If you only knew how much your daddy misses you and Mommy. I love both of you beyond words and when I come home, I am
going to hold both of you I my arms all day. Take care of Mommy for me, O.K.
Your Loving Daddy.

August 19, 1943
Camp Wheeler, Georgia
Dear Sweetheart,
Well today was Monday
and we came off of the range at 5:30. We ate supper and then we had to clean the machine guns till 8:00 o’clock.
I then took a shower and shaved and it is now 9:00 o’clock. As soon as I finish this letter, I am going to hit
the hay for I am quite worn out. I got 3 letters off of you tonight each saying how much you love and miss me.
You say you went down by the Marble Grill and got the check cashed there. Well honey if you don’t mind me saying
so, would you please keep away from that neighborhood, for you know how everybody is around there. I don’t see
why you had to go around there anyway, for you could have had it cashed up your mother's neighborhood in the first place.
I ain’t scolding you, its only that I don’t want you around there, for there is only a lot of bums in the neighborhood
and you know that, so please keep away from there, will you. Well that’s enough of that. You asked me why
you couldn’t get me on the phone any time you called. Well honey isn’t that being a little unfair to me
expecting me to be in the barracks whenever you called, after all this is a big camp and I don’t stay in the barracks
every minute of the day that I am off. Even when I writing [page missing]

August 19, 1943
Camp Wheeler, Georgia
Dear Sweetheart,
Well today we did nothing
but Battle tactics. Battle tactics is the formation you use in combat. It is now 8:15 and in another 45 minutes
we go out on another night problem. I got 2 letters from you today and one was telling me about Eddy Leary.
I guess he will never change, but wait until he gets in the army. If he ever gets shipped here, I bet he will wish he
was dead the first 4 weeks. You say that Nick got married. Who did he marry? Was it one of the girls in
Well honey, it won’t
be long before my training is over here for at the end of this week, I will be here 10 weeks. So in another month, I
might be home on furlough, (I hope). How is the baby? I thought you were sending me more pictures of yourself
and the baby. You asked me in your letter a while back what I wanted to name the baby if it is a girl. Well as
you know, I like Carroll Ann, and I think you do too. So if it’s a girl, lets name it that (o.k.). Honey
are you still mad at me for going skating that time? I promise you when I get home, I will never leave you for
one second honey and I will take you every place I go. I love you honey and miss you terribly.
Loving you forever,
P.S. Goodnight my love

Tuesday, August 20, 1943
Camp Wheeler, Georgia
Dear Sweetheart,
Well last night we left
at 9:00 p.m. for our night problem. All we did was hike over hills and through woods. At 11:00 p.m. we stopped
to rest, and at 11:30 we started back. Boy it sure was cold +in the woods and very damp besides. When we
got back, it was about 1:30 a.m., then we had coffee and buns. Boy that sure hit the spot. As for today, we had
more instructions on the mortar and I think we will fire them next week. This afternoon we went swimming and it was
a little better than the last time, for at least we were allowed to swim for a couple of minutes, after that we came in and
ate supper. We then had to scrub our barracks, clean our mess kits, clean out rifles bayonets, shoes, and all our equipment.
Besides that I had to get a haircut. (G.I.). I just got finished taking a shower and shave, so that brings it up to
the present, as it is now 11:00 o’clock. So you see honey, this army keeps us pretty busy for our 50 dollars a
month. I received 2 letters off of you, and one from my mother. She told me that Rudy asked her for $20 more dollars,
and she sent me 1 dollar. That sure came in handy, for I had to get a haircut today, for inspection tomorrow.
She also asked me what I wanted for my birthday, or whether I wanted the money instead. What do you suggest honey?
Just think, I’ll be 22 Aug. 30, pretty soon I’ll be a man (or will I). We just had our winter underwear
issued to us, and you ought to see them. When I come home on furlough, I will show you them. (That is if I wear
Well honey how is Carl,
Jr. is he still kicking around as much as ever. My mother said that she bought a swell play pen for Kathy, is
that right? Boy I sure wished I was home to see her trying to walk. I’d give anything in the world to be
home with you and the baby. In your letter today, you said that you wanted a house in the country, well so do I and
when I get back we will look for one to go to. Boy won’t that be swell, just us four. So honey, pray that
this was will end soon, so that we can have all those things and once more be together. That is all I wish and look
forward to every second of the day, for I love you honey, you and the babies forever.
Well sweetheart, it is
late, so I will say goodnight and take care of yourself and the babies for I love you all, more than life itself.
Loving you always,
P.S. I miss you sweetheart

Saturday, August
21, 1943
Camp Wheeler, GA
Dearest Beloved:
Well today is Saturday
and it is now 12:30 A.M. This morning we had inspection till 9:30 and it was very tough. There was about 150 guy’s
gig and as far as I know, I passed. After inspection was over, we went out on the field and had map reading and mortar
instructions. That brings us up to the present. I have to write this letter pretty fast, for we will be falling
out pretty soon honey. I got two letters off of you this afternoon telling me how much you love me. I guess you
know how I feel about you too, as I never missed anyone in my life, like I miss you. The army has learned me one thing
and that is that I will never be away from you again.
Well sweetheart, the
whistle just blew and I have to fall out.
I love you more than
anything in the world.
Loving you always
P.S. I miss you

Sunday August 22, 1943
Camp Wheeler, GA
Dear Sweetheart:
Well this is Sunday and
it is now 2:00 o’clock. I got up at 11 and took a shower and then ate dinner. We had ham, mashed potatoes,
string beans, salad and ice cream. After dinner I started writing letters. After I finish writing I am going to
do my wash. Last night I didn’t get to go anywhere, so I just hung around the barracks shooting the s____.
I went to bed at 11:00 o’clock. Lately it’s been pretty cool down here and all nights I had to put 2 blankets
over me. I hear it’s been pretty cool in Philly, is that right? I don’t have anything to tell you
except how much I love you. When are you going to send me more pictures? Boy honey, these Sundays sure are lonely
without you. Boy it would be heaven if only I were near enough, so that you could come and see me every Sunday.
In your letter today, you said that Betty and Edith told you that I kiss with my mouth open. Boy what you women will
talk about. But I don’t care what they say, as long as you love me. Well honey I will write you later in
the day, in case anything new turns up, (ok). I love you darling and miss you terribly.
Loving you always,
P.S. Kiss the baby
for me xxxxxxxx

August 22, 1943
Camp Wheeler, Georgia
Dear Sweetheart,
Well honey, today finishes
another week, and Monday will be our 11th week of training. It won’t be long before we will see each
other again. This afternoon we had one hour of instructions on the mortar, 2 hours of lectures on the enemy and one
hour of battle fighting. I wasn’t going to wrestle, but on demand of the fellows, I had too. The guy I wrestled
was about 6’4” and plenty big, but he didn’t seem to have any muscle. Well when it was over, they
had to put him in an ambulance and take him to the hospital. They say that he was out of his head and talking about
football, and asking what yard he was on. He bunks in Mitchell’s barracks, and I went up to see Mitchell and ask
him how the fellow was. Mitchell told me that he is in the hospital and they don’t know whether he has a brain
concussion or not, so I hope not. I will let you know later how he turns out (o.k.). The fellows are now calling
me bone-crusher and killer (in fun of course). Well honey it is now 8:30 and I don’t know if I’ll go anywhere
or not, so I’ll let you know in tomorrow letter what I did (o.k.). Well goodnight honey, I love you very much.
Loving you forever,
P.S. I miss you terribly

Sunday, August 22, 1943
Camp Wheeler, Georgia
Dear Sweetheart,
It is now 10:00 o’clock
and I just came from the movies. The name of the picture was “For Me and My Gal.” Did you see it yet?
Its fair, but that’s all I did all day was write and read the Sunday paper and do my wash. The only time I left
the barracks was when I went to the movies. I forgot to tell you but I am going to take a test to see if I can qualify
for officers training school. That is if my citizenship doesn’t affect me, like it did in the air corps and the
marines. Gosh Cass, these Sundays sure are lonely without you and the baby. I’d go over the hill, only I
wouldn’t see you or my regular furloughs and I wouldn’t get any ratings, so I guess you understand why I don’t
do it. I love you so much honey, it’s dam near driving me crazy over the want of being near you. We used
to have our quarrels, but they didn’t mean a thing towards my love for you. If I said anything to hurt you when
we quarreled I didn’t mean a word I said, for I love you too much to lose you. Always remember, “I love
you more than life itself.”
Loving you forever,
P.S. The baby and you
are my whole life. xxxxxxxxx

Monday, August 23, 1943
Camp Wheeler, Georgia
Dear Sweetheart,
Well today is Monday
and this morning we threw live grenades. Boy, maybe some of the boys weren’t nervous. We had two fellows
that dropped their grenades with the safety pin out, boy you ought to have seen the officers pick that up and get rid of it
for it goes off in 5 seconds after the pin is out. After that we had an hour of dirty fighting. It wasn’t
wrestling, it was only learning new holds. During the afternoon we had two hours of mortar instructions and two hours
of obstacle course. Boy that was tough, for we had to go over big fences with full field packs and our rifle on our
shoulder. Quite a few fellows passed out but I’m still on my feet honey. It is now 8:30 and I guess I’ll
go to bed after I finish this letter. I got your letter today telling me how your father mailed your letter in Bridgeport,
Pa. It is not that I don’t trust you, it’s only that I love you so much that makes me want to know everything
that happens at home and what you are doing while I m away.
Loving you always,
P.S. I love you

Wednesday, August 25,
Camp Wheeler, GA
Dear Sweetheart:
Well here it is Wednesday
morning and I just got through taking a shower. It is now 11:30 and we will be falling out for chow in 15 minutes.
Last night all we did was walk all over the woods for 4 hours. The reason for it is to get use to walking in the dark
and knowing how to get around without stumbling all over. When we come back to camp we had coco and cake, and it sure
hit the spot. I got a letter from you from Sunday night saying you left the baby at my mothers. Don’t forget,
when you send another box to me, put some handkerchiefs and underwear in for I need them. Well honey I have to get ready
now, for we fall out this afternoon. I don’t know what’s on schedule but, I’ll let you know in tonight’s
letter (o.k.). I love you darling and miss you terribly.
Loving you always,
P.S. I didn’t get
any pictures yet, so send some will you? I love you xxxxxxxx

Thursday, August, 26,
Camp Wheeler, GA
Dear Sweetheart:
Boy today we had a pretty
tough day. We had battle tactics all day and it wasn’t the battle tactics, but the heat that was bad. Tonight
when we came in, they had to call about 8 ambulances to take the fellows to the hospital. So you can see how bad it
was. How’s the weather up in Philly. Boy I sure wish I was there. I got two letters off of you today,
and one saying how Betty is a know it all. Well, I agree with you there honey, for she really thinks she knows it all.
You say that your mother and Joe went to see, “This is the Way,” well honey I heard it was very good, as it was
down here in Camp a couple of weeks ago. Why didn’t you go see it? Tonight I am just going to take a shower
and read, for I am quit pooped out. Goodnight sweetheart and God bless you and the baby. I love you very much
and miss you more and more every day. I’ll see you in my dreams honey.
Loving you forever,
P.S. xxxxxx I love you

Friday, August 28, 1943
Camp Wheeler, Georgia
Dearest Beloved,
Today we got up at 5:00
a.m. and went to the mortar range. It was the last day of mortar training and we fired the real thing. If you
saw one fired, you would not believe it possible. When I get home on furlough, I’ll explain to you all the weapons
that we have handled. Well sweetheart, I’m glad you sent me a card to send to your mother on her birthday, for
I really forgot that her birthday fell the day before mine. The card you sent me was very nice and especially the kiss.
I wish I was home so that I could receive it personally (don’t you).
Tonight was the usual
Friday night grind, for inspection Saturday. But I’m glad to see Saturdays come around for that means I’m
one week closer to seeing you. After tomorrow it will be 6 weeks to go, ain’t that swell. In about 3 weeks
we will go on our 10 day maneuvers and I don’t think I’m going to like that. We will be able to send our
mail and receive it but we will have to do without everything else. Well honey it is now 11:00 o’clock and I still
have to take a shower, so I better sign off for I’m on guard duty at 5:00 a.m. till 7:00 a.m., and after that I have
to get ready for inspection. Boy this army life sure keeps you busy. Tell the baby that I love her and to tell
mommy that daddy loves her more than anything in the world.
Loving you always,
P.S. I love you honey

Saturday, August 28,
Camp Wheeler, Georgia
Dearest Beloved,
Well I passed inspection
and am I glad for every time a guy gets giged, he has to do extra duty. After inspection we had battle wrestling for
one hour and after that we had an orientation on the battles of Russia. After lunch we went to the movies and saw a
picture of guys that talk too much about military information. After that we drilled for half an hour, then we had another
hour of battle wrestling. Guess what honey, your Dutch didn’t wrestle for the first time and am I glad.
After that we came back to the barracks and took a shower and got dressed for the parade. You ought to be here and see
one of them, for that is a very beautiful scene to watch. It is one of the armies most sacred parades for retreat.
One of these days you’ll probably see one. Right now honey it is 9:00 o’clock and I guess I’ll go
to bed after I finish this letter for I can’t go to the movies as I am flat broke. Next week is going to be very
tough and I will tell you in tomorrow letter what we are going to do (o.k.). How is everything at home? Are you
feeling all right? Well honey, Monday I will be 22 and I sure wish I was home to celebrate it with you and the baby.
Honey, I love you more than anything in this world, and when I get back home again, I am going to pay up for all the time
we have been away from each other.
Loving you always honey,
P.S. I love you xxxxxxxx

August 29, 1943
Camp Wheeler, Georgia
Dear Sweetheart,
Today is Sunday and I
just came back from dinner. We had fried chicken, mashed potatoes, salad, lemonade and ice cream. I had 3 helpings
of chicken, and it sure was good. That’s one thing about this camp, they sure feed you good. I washed out
all my clothes this morning, so now I am ready for next week. I don’t know whether I’ll get a chance to
write you before Wednesday, as we are camping out for 2 days this week. Wednesday we have off all day until 5:00 p.m.
and then we have a parade for half an hour, but that’s all we do for the day. I don’t know whether I’ll
have enough money to call you up, as I owe most of it out. But if I hit a crap game, you can count on me to call you
up as I would like to hear your voice very much.
I got 3 cards and one
letter in the mail this morning. One was from your mother and the rest were from two of the sweetest girls I know.
I could just kiss them to death if I were near them, but I guess I’ll have to hold off till later. You asked me
what I wanted for my birthday, well honey I like to have an identification bracelet with my serial number on it, and your
name and the babies. It doesn’t necessarily have to have an insignia on it as I would much rather have your name
and the babies on it. But do you think you can spare the money for it, as I know you don’t have enough as it is.
So I’ll leave it all up to you (o.k.). It’s now 3:00 o’clock and after I finish this letter, I am
going to write my father and mother a letter. As for Roy joining the Sea-bee’s, I think he’s asking for
more than he can chew. He’s not any too young any more and all the fellows his age down here have fallen out,
as the training is too tough, I think he was crazy for joining up, and he will realize it when he has a taste
of it. I hope your grandmother doesn’t take it too hard, as I know it will be pretty hard for her, when Ray goes
away. But that’s war, and I think Ray is doing what he think’s is right. “But hell!”
he will think different when he gets a taste of military life. Tell him that I wish him luck before he goes. Well
honey I better save something to say for tonight so take care of the baby and tell her that her daddy loves her very much.
The card that she sent me was very nice and I’ll treasure it for the rest of my life. The card that I got off
of you was very nice too and when I get home I will demonstrate how much I really liked it. Well until tonight I remain
loving you every second of the day.
Loving you forever,
P.S. When are you going to send me some more pictures honey? I love you. I love the baby.
I love all of you something terrible xxxxxxxxxx

Sunday, August 29, 1943
Camp Wheeler, Georgia
Dear Sweetheart,
It is now 11:00 o’clock
and I just came from the P.X. since I wrote the last letter, I have been up the library, reading about the army. In
my earlier letter I forgot to tell you to thank your mother for the card that she sent me for my birthday. So do that
for me, will you. How much did you have to give your mother out of the last allotment check you got? Your
right to be getting the second one pretty soon as payday is Tuesday. I bet your looking forward to it. I hope
you don’t mind me asking these questions, as I don’t know of anything else to write about (o.k.)
What does the doctor
say about your condition? Is everything alright so far. Did you ask him if he would give you a note to give to
the Red Cross, saying that I should be home when the time comes for you to have the baby? I hope so, as I want to be
there more than anything else in the world. I love you honey, and I want to be there so that nothing will go wrong.
So don’t forget what I told you today (o.k.) I’ll never forget the last time I saw you after Kathy was born.
It was one of the happiest days in my life, I can’t write it in words as it was beyond words, but I guess you know what
I mean. That’s why I want to be home so that I can hold you in my arms and tell you how much I love you.
Well, I better get to bed as I won’t get very much rest again until Wednesday. Kiss the baby for me on my birthday
tomorrow, and tell her that her daddy misses her and mommy very much.
Loving you something
P.S. I love you

Monday, August 30, 1943
Camp Wheeler, Georgia
Dear Sweetheart,
Today we got a break,
as it started to rain around 3:30. We got soaked and wet, so the Major told us that we didn’t have to camp out
for the night. If it hadn’t rained, I wouldn’t have been able to write to you tonight. We got
up this morning at 5:30 and left the company area at 7;30 for a 7 mile hike, to our camping ground. We got there at
10:00 o’clock, then for the rest of the day we had battle tactics until it rained and I mean rained. It rained
till about 4:30, when the Major said for us to go back to camp and was I glad when he said that. As you know today is
my birthday and it was one of my unhappiest. Being away from you has made my life very miserable and I pray day and
night for this war to end, so that I will be with you once again, and forever. In your letters today you asked me if
I was true to you and if I went to the movies every time that I said I did. Honey if you only knew how much I
loved you and missed you and the baby, you wouldn’t have a doubt of what I am doing. I wouldn’t give a darn
if I dropped dead right now, only the thought of coming home to you and the baby keeps me going. I love you so much
honey, that I don’t know what keeps me from going over the hill to come and see you. But I guess I can hold out
for a while longer. So please don’t worry about me going out with any other girls. You wrote and told me
that Reds told you that he called me up. What Red’s is it? Is it Red’s Kivlin? If it is, you
never told me, he was home. Write and tell me about everything so that I will know what you are talking about.
I got all of the packages today, and they came in very handy. The identification tags that came in the box are already
broke. When I went to put the tags on the catch slipped off of the cat gut, and I couldn’t [page missing]
Left to Right: Eric, Bodine, Reds, Herbie Taken in

Left to Right: Rudy, Bodine, Reds, Eric taken in 1942
