WOLF; Timeline for July 1943

July 1, 1943
Camp Wheeler GA
Dear Sweetheart
Today is Thursday the first of the month and we got
paid. I received $31.80 and they took out 2 months insurance. The insurance cost me about $ 14.oo. They
did not take out anything for your allotment until next month. We also were out camping for the next two days and I
just got back. I also got my pictures & am sending them with this letter, so give one to my mother and the
rest you can do with what you want. When I got back I had three letters waiting for me & they were all from you.
One of them was held up. It was the one you wrote Sunday at my mothers. It was a very nice letter and I'm glad
I got it. I'm very glad to know how you feel about me & its the same with me. You also
wonder why the letters I send you are postmarked later, that I don't know for I write you every day except when it's impossible.
I hope you believe me for I am telling the truth. I was going to send you 10 dollars but I had to pay for the pictures
and it set me back so I will send you five dollars & a little something for you and the baby. I always wanted to
send you something but I was flat broke so honey now I can buy you something. You may not know it but I get a great
kick out of buying you something again. It just seems like when I first met you, doesn't it. This being separated
from each other has learned us a great deal & I hope we will never be parted again. I will write and thank your
mother, aunt and grandmother for the things they sent me & it made me very happy. When you get out to my mother's
tell her to send me some cigarettes. Well, honey, I have to get another GI haircut now and so always rememebr that
love you and you only and I can't wait until I see you. Boy it will be like starting life anew, won't it?
Your loving husband
PS I sope you like the pictures. I love you.
XXXXX Billions

2, 1943
Wheeler, Georgia
Dear Sweetheart,
Well today
is Friday and we practiced shooting positions all morning. During the afternoon, we went out in the woods and dug machine
gun and mortar trenches and fox holes. It was just like being in the W.P.A. leaning on our shovel. Only we weren’t
leaving. We just got done cleaning out the barracks from top to bottom, then I cleaned and shined my mess kit
all up, then I had to clean my rifle from top to bottom. Everything we have has to be spotless, for tomorrow is inspection
and after inspection we go on parade past the General. Boy I hate for Friday to come around every week. Starting
Monday, we will go on the range and fire real bullets at targets. If I’m good, I will get a Marksmen’s Medal,
so I hope I get one. I did not get a chance to go to the Post-office yet to mail my pictures to you, but I will as soon
as possible. You can’t imagine how busy they keep us here, for we have very little time to ourselves. I
just about have time to write to you, but nothing will stop me from that.
I received
two letters from you today and one from Eleanor my cousin, asking me to drop her a line. I think its pretty nice of
her to write to me don’t you. I have not had time to write anyone except you my sweet, but I am going to try to
send out something Sunday. I sent 5 dollars in my last letter, so tell me if you got it.
Well darling,
it is now 11 o’clock and I am writing this letter in our toilet, for that is the only place that has lights on during
the night. My training will be over September 17 and I will be home on furlough soon after that. I am looking
forward to that day very much and can hardly wait till I get my arms around you and kiss you. That will be one of my
happiest moments. So honey until then, don’t forget that I love you and miss you very much.
You Loving
PVT Dutch
P.S. Kiss
the baby for me and take care of yourself.
xxxx Billions
of hugs & kisses.

July 3, 1943
Camp Wheeler, Georgia
Dear Sweetheart,
Well today is Saturday and we had our Parade. The officers told us the general was well pleased with our marching.
The parade was not over till 6:30, so we did not have time for general inspection. That was a break for us. This
afternoon I got 5 letters. One was from Marianne, my cousin and one card from Herby, the rest were from you. The
wedding anniversary card was very nice and it made me very happy. But it would have been much better if we could have
been together, don’t you think so? Starting Monday, we go on the firing range and they are going to give out prizes
for the best shooters, so I will send you my medals as soon as I get them (I hope). We have been here a month already
and it wan’t be long before my training is over, and I can get home for about 10 days, won’t that be swell.
Darling, you asked me in your letters if i have been going to any USO dances, you ought to know better than that, for all
I want to do is go home and be with you and the baby. I never realized how aweful it was to be away from you and the
baby, but now I know. Live and learn, no truer words were ever spoken. Tonight I went up the P.X. and brought
myself some towels, belt, socks, handkerchiefs, hat and a lot of other things. Boy you sure need a lot of things in
this army. I have been pretty lucky so far honey for I didn’t have K.P. yet or any other detail duty and there
sure are plenty. Well having that all I can think of right now, but tomorrow I am going to write to everybody, so I
guess I’ll have a busy day. So until tomorrow, I’ll sign off with, all my love and be good and take care
of yourself and the baby.
Your loving Husband,
PVT Dutch
P.S. I am sending you the pictures in this letter, so tell me if you like them. I am sending one to my mother
too, I don’t know what to buy you so if you need anything, please write and tell me. xxxxxxxx Love


July 4, 1943
Camp Wheeler, Georgia
Dear Sweetheart,
Well today is Sunday and the Sargeant made us get up at 7:30 to mop out our barrack’s. It was the first
Sunday we had to do anything. I got a letter from you at 12 o’clock, for we have one mail call on Sunday.
I don’t mind this Army life so much as long as I get one or two letters a day. You asked me if I went to church,
well, I only went twice so far but I’ll get a little better later on. All I did today is play cards and I didn’t
do so well, I guess I just ain’t lucky anymore. This morning I wrote letters to your mother and Aunt Emma and
my mother, so that took up quit a bit of time and as I was writing one to Jimmy. The boy’s came up and asked me if I
wanted to play cards. So I would of made out much better if I would have finished writing the letters. I always
wait till the end of the day to write your letter so I could let you know what I did for the day. Tomorrow, we have
to get up at 4:30 and go out on the firing range, and we eat our meals there too. We stay down there till about 5 p.m.
everyday, so we are going to have a very busy week. That’s all the news I have, so I guess I will talk about you
honey. You never told me if you were out of the hospital yet or how you are feeling. You know its getting pretty
close, I only wish I could be near you when the time comes. Don’t you? I think that is the time for a husband
to be with his wife and there’s nothing going to stop me from being with you when the time comes. So let me know
when the times is near. I’m glad you got our marriage and birth certificates back for I was worried about them.
You say in your letters that you love and miss me very much so I guess you know how I feel about you. Sweetheart, you
are the only woman I would ever touch or be seen with and that is no bull shit. So don’t ever worry about me going
out with any other woman for I love you and you only.
Your ever loving husband,
PVT Dutch
P.S. I miss you and the baby terribly xxxxxx Billions of kisses

Fourth of July Parade -- Woodland Ave -- 1943

Pop Rush, Joey and Marie

July 5, 1943
Camp Wheeler, Georgia
Dear Sweetheart,
I got up at 4:30 this morning. We cleaned up our barracks and made our beds, then we ate breakfast. After
that we went down the range. Our platoon did not fire our guns, we each got a job to do. I had a telephone and
gave directions to the boys in the pit. The pit is a long tunnel where the targets are, and all I did was sit there
from 7:30 to 5:30 straight. I didn’t even get off for lunch. I got my lunch but I had to sit right where
I was, and boy is my ass sore. But we won’t have to do it again for all the platoons take a turn. Today
I got your letters and a card from the baby and also a box of salt water taffies from Herby. Is he back from his vacation
yet or did he and Grace get married? I sure hope so. The card from the baby is very cute and it touches me very
much. You say you didn’t get any mail from me, well I can’t understand it for I send one every day, and
that’s the truth, so I don’t know whats holding them up. In your letters today you asked me to stay away
from other girls, well I already told you in my last letter what I thought of other women. So please believe me honey.
That letter you sent me from Richard is pretty crazy don’t you think. I personally don’t think he’s
all there, do you? I’m glad to hear my father and mother takes the baby out, for I know they love her very
much and who wouldn’t. Well, tonight I am going to the camp movies and see “Bantan.” I heard
it was pretty good, did you see it? Well, as I don’t have anymore news, I will go now and I might write another
letter later tonight.
Your loving husband,
PVT Dutch
P.S. I love you and miss you very much.

Grace Hildenbrand

July 6, 1943
Camp Wheeler, Georgia
Dear Sweetheart,
I didn’t get another letter out last night, for I was too tired, so I am writing one early in the moring.
It is now 7:15 and we fall out in 15 minutes, so I won’t be able to write much. The picture was very good, so
you ought to see it. So if it is showing, go see it. It is called “Batan.” Since you sent me
the letter, Richard wrote you, I will send you the letters I got from my cousin. I didn’t write back yet, but
I will soon as I get time. Well honey, we are getting called out so I’ll have to sign off. But remember,
I love you and miss you. I’d do anything to be near you.
P.S. hugs and kiss

July 7, 1943
Camp Wheeler, Georgia
Deariest Cass,
Today I received 3 letters from you and I was very glad to get them. You said you had pictures of you and the
baby taken, please hurry and send them to me for I am very anxious to get them, for I want to see how my family is looking.
The pen I was just using was not mine and the fellow who ownes it had to use it. Today we had to jump fences and have
to use ju-jitsu and boy was it hot down here today. It was about 120o. So you can imagine how hot it
was. I think it was swell of the Red Cross to send you those things. Tomorrow we are getting up at 5:15 to go
down the range again, but this time we are going to shoot, so I’ll let you know how I make out. Did you get the
$5 and the letter. I hope it didn’t displease you. In your letter tonight Betty said I should drop her a
line, well tell her I don’t have very much time to write anyone, and even so, I have to ask my wife first. So
Honey, is it all right if I drop her a line. I will not write her until you say I can. So is it alright?
Well honey, as the days go by, I miss you and the baby more and more and wished that I could come home again. You don’t
know how it is to not see you, and watch the baby grow up. Boy I wish this darn war would stop. We will win, but
the sooner the better. In your letter you said Nox said the war would last 3 more years, well you write and tell him
he’s nuts for we’ll clean them out in another 6 months. Well honey, I am going to bed now, so don’t
forget write me often, for that is the only thing I look forward to everyday. Loving you always and always.
Your loving Husband
PVT Dutch
P.S. Take a lot of pictures of you and the baby so I can see her growing up. xxxxxxx hugs and kisses

July 9, 1943
Camp Wheeler, Georgia
Dearest Cass,
I got two letters from you today and they were better than the last ones. As you remember you bawled me out and
I am wondering if everything is straightened out? Well today was the last day on the range and I did pretty good.
I made the sharp-shooter class and I will get a medal in about 6 weeks. We will go on the machine guns and mortars next,
so I guess that will be good. Well tomorrow ends another week and before you know it I will be finished my training.
I was glad to hear you went to the doctors and everything is all right. So you think my pictures are not so good, well
later on I will get some good ones taken. I didn’t think they were so good either. I just got finished playing
cards and as usual I am broke again and it is a long way from payday. I am going to write my mother and ask her to lend
me some til payday, and if you go out to my mothers and see Herby ask him about the money he was going to send me.
Boy I guess I’ll never learn, but from this day on (so help me) I’ll never gamble another penny.
You say they had a beer party for the air raid wardens at Neuers, boy I sure wished I could have had some of that beer.
If you ever see Jack Smith tell him he would be a millionaire if he had a beer joint down here. The water here is even
worse than in Philly. So you can imagine how bad it is here. I thought your mother knew about the baby messing
the wallpaper. So I am sorry for telling her about it. Did she find the spot yet? (I hope not.) I
didn’t send you or the baby anything yet because there is nothing I saw that I liked, so don’t get impatient,
for I will get something yet. How would you like a nice wrist nameplate they cost $4.50. I would like one myself
and as soon as I get some money, I will get them. But if you’d rather have a compact write and tell me.
Well honey that’s all I can think of so I am going to bed. So honey, god bless you and the baby and keep well
for I love you both very much.
Loving you always,
PVT Dutch
P.S. Tell my mother to send the money right away. Love and kisses and hugs and squeezes, from me to you xxxxxx

July 9, 1943
Camp Wheeler, Georgia
Dear Sweetheart,
Well today we were shooting down the range. I did pretty good and I hope I do better tomorrow for tomorrow they
count for medals and prize money to the best shooters. “So wish me luck honey.” Boy is it hot
down here. I don’t know how I stand it but I do. All this week we are confined to our barracks until we
are done on the firing range. It is now 9:30 and I am up at the library writing this letter. When I finish I am
going to take a shower and got to bed for I am very tired. A man sure appreciates his bed when he is in the army.
I got your letter today and it didn’t state whether you got the money or not, so please let me know. Did your
mother and them get their letters from me? You say Mildred has troubles because her boyfriend is in the army, well tell
her “what about me and all the rest of us.” We all wish we could be home and especially me. She hasn’t
got any children to take care of or any worries at all.
I think you have it harder than any other wife and I love you for the way you take it. So honey tell her she
don’t know what trouble is. And when you see Herby, ask him about the money he said he would send me. I
don’t need it yet, but if I don’t make out in cards Sunday, I will. Did you ask my mother if she would lend
you the money to come and see me? How is Bettys mother coming along now, is she any better since I left. How are
you and your mother getting along, alright I hope. What does she think of the baby, does she hold her once in a while.
I’m pretty sure she does, for no one could resist her, don’t you think so? I just wish I could hold her
and kiss her. Boy, I never realized how much I would miss my family, but I do now. I will be the happiest man
alive when I see you and the baby again. The library is closing now for it is 10:00 o’clock, so honey I will close
with all my love for you.
Loving you always,
PVT Dutch
P.S. Send lots of pictures of my family and wife. Love and kisses xxxxxxx billions

July 10, 1943
Camp Wheeler GA
Dear Sweetheart
Well today is Saturday and another week is gone. We got a smallpox vaccination
today and so far none of them hurt a bit. In your letter you asked me what I did with the other picture, well I have
that one, for I have the baby's and I would like to have one of you. When I get lonely I look at the baby's pciture,
that is why I would like to have one of you so I can also see you. I got a letter form my father and mother and they
also put a dollar in it. It sure came in handy. I have some good news for you, what do you think?
They made me a squad leader today. What do you think of that? In my squad I have 15 men under me. I am just
like a sargeant. I didn't even expect it, but this morning the Sargeant asked for Hildenbrand. I thought maybe
I did something wrong, but when he told me to take over the fourth squad I damn near fell over. Tuesday we go on a hike
again, so don't be disappointed if you don't get a letter. Tomorrow the fellows are going swimming. I guess I
will go also. The place is right outside of Camp. It will be the first time that I have been outside of Camp so
I guess it will feel pretty good to get outside. They charge .55 cents for swimming, bathing suit and towel. I
wished you were here to go with me, don't you? You say Laz told you that McGoldrick went to California. Boy, I'm
glad I missed that for then I would never get home. I guess I'm pretty lucky to be in Georgia. It will only take
me a day and a half to get home. How is the baby? Did she cut her teeth yet? How much does she weigh now?
Is her hair curly or just the same? When you write please let me know. Do you think our next baby will be a boy?
I do. If it is we will have a perfect family & I believe the happiest. We will get a nice house when the war
is over. It is getting late so good night, and don't forget I love you very much and miss you.
you always
PS Hugs and Kisses XXXOOO


July 13, 1943
Camp Wheeler, Georgia
Dearest Cass,
We just came back from
a 3 day camping trip and I am very sorry I couldn’t let you know before, but it was a surprise to me too. They
told us right after we had our Sunday dinner to get out full field packs made up for we were pulling out in one hour.
When we got there we pitched out tents. That was around 5:30. We then ate our supper, after that we cleaned our
guns. That took us till about 9:00. As soon as I got mine done I hid the hay, for I was pooped out. In the
morning we ate breakfast and then went down the firing range. Guess what we had to go through? They had machine
guns on one end and trenches on the other end, and we had to crawl out of the trenches while they were shooting the machine
guns on a straight line over our heads. We had to crawl under barbed wire and every once in a while they would set a
mine off real close to us. It was just like the real thing and boy were we pooped out at the end of the demonstration.
How would you like to crawl like a snake and have machine guns whisking over your head and mines going off beside you.
(They were real bullets too.) The rest of the time we had other lessons, but that was the most exciting. We came
back to our barracks at 6:00 o’clock, then we stood for retreat and ate supper. After that we had to clean our
riffles very good for they were very dirty. It takes us 2 hours to clean them right, then I took a shower and shaved.
I then sat down to write this letter. (I forgot to tell you I received 6 letter and read them right after supper).
Two were from you and one from your grandmother and one from your Aunt Emma. You wrote and told me Jimmy Jenkins said
that we weren’t confined to our barracks while on the rifle range, well you tell him he is full of shit, for down this
camp we were. Maybe at other camps they were allowed out, but not down this camp. If you know of anybody that
trained down Camp Wheeler you ask them. They’ll tell you this is the toughest camp going, and I can’t help
it if he was in a half assed camp. We have two airports down here and a lot of air force boy’s, and if you only
knew how our officer’s razz them. They call them half assed soldiers, and real training would put them out on
their feet. The training we get here is the toughest going. So get that silly idea out of your head that I am
going in town every night or any other night, for when I do I will tell you. Well honey everybody is in bed and I am
very tired myself, so you won’t mind if I answer your question tomorrow, will you? So kiss the baby good night
for me and don’t you worry about me going with anybody else and forgetting about you and the baby for I couldn’t
live without you and can’t wait until I can get you around my arms and kiss you.
Your loving husband,
Pvt. Dutch
P.S. Try and get some
money to come and see me for my birthday at least. Loving you always xxxxxxxxx millions of hugs and kisses

Jimmy Jenkins and Betty ?

July 14, 1932
Camp Wheeler GA
Dearest Cass
Well it is now Wednesday afternoon and I am waiting for the mail. After
I read the mail I guess the chow whistle will blow. And oh boy, am I hungry. As you will notice my hands are muddy
and sweaty & all over the paper. That is how we sweat every day, so you can guess how hot it is. Last night
I was really tired and when I hit the bed I fell asleep instantly. I dreamt I was home and with you in my arms &
the baby in the highchair laughing and banging a spoon and boy it really made me feel good. And when I awoke I was very
much disappointed to see I was still in the Army. The Army wouldn't be so bad if a guy could get home once in awhile.
I just went and ate my lunch and when I came back they were giving out the mail, but there was none for me. It was the
first time in quite awhile that I did not receive any in the afternoon mail. What happened that you didn't write one.
I don't have very much time to finish this letter so I'll have to hurry. What have you been doing lately besides playing
cards? How did you see Jimmy Jenkins since you didn't go to the party? Where do you go? Do you go dancing
or go to the taprooms with any of the girls? You'd better not or I'll come home and put you back in your place.
How is the baby, did she do anything new lately? I did not get a letter from your mother yet, so she can go to hell.
I guess she doesn't like me and I don't care for her very much either. Well, darling, we have to go out now. So until
tonight, I remain loving you always and always.
Loving you always

July 14, 1943
Camp Wheeler, Georgia
Deariest Cass,
Well it is now 8:00 o’clock and I am finished all my work. I received 1 letter tonight and it was dated
last Sunday. It is now Wednesday, so you are behind writing to me. You should have plenty of time to write me
so why don’t you do it. It would be different if you were in my place. I only have about a half-hour every
day to write you, but I always write one to you every night. The reason they are dated a day later is that I don’t
mail them till the next morning at 6:00 o’clock. In your letter you say Mildred, Edith and Betty say all men are
no good and cheat on their wives, well that may be true in some cases, but not in all of them. I hope you don’t
think that of me, for I would be very dissappointed in you if you did. If you only knew how I felt being away from you,
it would make you have grown all the more for me. (It has made me love you more than life itself.) You say you
went and saw some ladies deformed baby. Well I think it’s a shame but please don’t say you are worried about
ours being that way, for it makes me very sick for you even thinking that way. You should never take somebodies baby
and comparing it with ours. Just think that our babies are going to be the very best and healthiest in the world.
That is the only way to think, for they are yours and mine and they will be like you and I. So don’t compare our
children with anybody else’s for I don’t like it. So put that out of your head and everthing will be alright.
You, the children and myself are all one loving family and nothing will change it for I will massacre anbyody who tries to
change it. Did you send the pictures yet? I am just dying to see them. I wished you were here so that I
could see you and hold you in my arms. If you only knew how much I miss you, you wouldn’t worry about me going
to U.S.O. dances or any girls. You are the only one for me.
P.S. I love you and the babies very much

July 15, 1943
Camp Wheeler, Georgia
Dearest Cass,
This afternoon I got two leters from you. One was when you were at my mothers and the other from your house.
After supper I got another one from you, so you must have slipped up one day. Right? Today all we did was fire
22 rifles at moving targets and they were pretty hard to hit. It was very hot and it almost drove me crazy out in that
oppressive range, for the sun really beats down on our heads. They left us off pretty early so that we could take a
shower before supper. That was the first time we got a break like that and it really felt good. You sent a picture
of some baby that Betty said looks like Kathy. Well I think our Kathy is a lot prettier than her. While I am on
the subject I guess I owe Kathy a letter, so I will write one now. So, save this letter and when she grows up she can
read it. I hear we are really beating the heck out of those italians and if it keeps up the war will be over in about
6 months just like I said before. So pray that we will keep beating them at every front and it won’t be long before
I come home again, where I belong. But while I’m here, I am going to make the best of it. So far I am doing
pretty good and I hope I keep it up. Honey, I hope you are being good and doing everything you say you do in your letters,
for if I come home and find out different, I will be very much disappointed. So watch your step and take care of yourself
for it won’t be long before Carl, Jr. wil be here. I will be the happiest man in the world when the time comes
when I can see Kathy, Carl, Jr. and you, and that won’t be long. Loving you always and always.
Your loving Husband,
PVT Dutch xxxxxxx
P.S. If you have a dollar to spare, send it to me and I will send it back later.

July 16, 1943
Camp Wheeler GA
Dearest Cass
I got two letters from you and one from your mother. (What got into her?)
Today I was on KP and I did not finish up until now. It is now 11:30 & I am ready to hit the hay. I don't
have much to writie about except that I am missing you very much. In my last letter I forgot to write Kathy the letter,
so I will put it in this one
To my Dearest Kathy
The day I left to go into the Army was one of my unhappiest days, for when I looked
at you and your mother I knew I would not see you for quite awhile. Every minute of the day I am wondering what you
are doing and wishing that I could be with you, holding you and your mother in my arms. I am hoping that when I come
home you will call me daddy. I guess you don't remember when I held you in my arms and hugged and kissed you, but when
I come home I will pay up for all the time I missed with you and your mother. So until I see you I remain your most
loving father. Tell Mommy daddy loves her and misses her very much.
Your Loving Father
Well, Sweetheart, show this letter to Cassy and explain it to her. I really
do love you very much and when I come home I will pay up for all the time we were away from each other. Well darling
I am going to take a shower and go to bed, so God Bless you and the babies and take care of yourself for I love my family
very much.
Loving you always
PS Hug & hugs, kiss & kiss.

July 17, 1943
Camp Wheeler GA
Dearest Cass
I got two of your letters at 12 o'clock, but I did not receive any tonight.
Today we had it pretty easy and all we did was sit under the trees and listen to lectures. They called out the guys
that joined the paratroops & I was half-tempted to join, but my better judgment told me not to. As you know they
got a raise and they are now making $150 a month. It's pretty good money but it's not worth the risk. Well today
ends another week and I'm glad. Why are you always giving me heck in your letters? I guess you take after your
mother. You asked me about the pitcure I kept. Well, I am going to send it to you for I will only lose it or dirty
it up. SO give one to my daughter so she will know what her daddy looks like when he comes home. Gee if only you
were living here near camp I wouldn't mind this Army so much, but as you are away from me I don't like it at all. The
fellow that bunks next to me had his father and mother come up to see him tonight and o'boy was he happy. I don't blame
him, for I only wished I could see you, but I would only get more lonlier for you when you left for home again. That
is the worst part, like in New Cumberland when you left I wanted to go with you. So the next time I see you I hope it
is forever.
With all my love for you
PS Did you send the picture yet?

July 18, 1943
Camp Wheeler, Georgia
Deariest Cass,
Well today is Sunday and all I did was sit around the barracks shooting the sh____. It is now 10:00 o’clock
and I am ready to go to bed for tomorrow we have to get up at 4:00 o’clocks and go on a 10 mile hike. We will
stay and tomorrow night have what they call night manuevers. That is we will travel by the stars and compass.
Today, I received a very nice letter from you, it was postmarked Thursday. Why don’t you write letter’s
like that always. I would rather get letters like that than the ones giving me heck for something I didn’t do,
or isn’t true. So keep on writing nice letters like todays. When am I going to get them pictures?
I wished that from now on you wil take pictures every Sunday for I would enjoy them very much and it will ease my homesickness
for you and the baby a little bit. I sure wish my 14 weeks were over so I could get home to see you.
If you ever send another package to me please put in a towel and hankerchief for I need them very much. Last
week I asked you if you had a dollar or two to send me, well I still didn’t get any, so if you did not send any see
if you can send me some cigarettes for I am all out of them. I hate to ask you to send me these things for I know you
don’t have much yourself, but I will send you the money back as soon as I get paid. How is everything at home,
is there anything new. Boy, I sure would like to see you and the baby. Quiet a few fellows went A.W.O.L. to get
home, but when they came back they sure got the works. That is the only thing that stops me from coming to see you.
It goes against your service record and they make it very tought for a guy. So I will wait until I get a leave and I
hope its soon for I am going crazy for the want of seeing you. Knowing you, you are probably saying I’m a lot
of bull shit, but I mean every word of it honey.
Loving you always,
P.S. Good night and god bless you for I love you very much.

July 20, 1943
Wheeler GA
Dear Cass
It is now 1:15 and I just finished lunch. We just came back from our night
hike [illegible] We left camp at 5:30 AM Monday morning and arrived at the field at 10 o'clock. (I'll have to
finish this later on tonight for we have to fall out). Well honey it is now 10 o'clock pm and I am all through cleaning
my rifle & everything. Tomorrow we go on a parade again and after that we get a few hours rest, then we go out in
another field and have night signals. That will start at 7:30 and we will finish at 11PM. They are called night
problems & I heard we were going to have quite a few of them. I got 2 more letters from you at 6PM & I was very
glad to get them. I am glad that Buzzard got a 17 day furlong & I only wish it was me. How is he looking?
Os he still as [illegible] as ever? I am also glad that you sent me the letter Randy wrote you for I was wondering how
he was making out. Are you getting any money to come and see me? You ought to be getting the [illegible] check
pretty soon, so save some of it. Most of the fellows here have had their parents or wives come & see them, so try
to come, for it makes me feel very unhappy when everybody else has visitors. I can get you a room for a couple of days
right in Camp, for we have a guest house here. It is for soldier's wives or mothers that get here and can't get a room.
They only let you stay for about a day or two until they can get a room. I think its pretty good, don't you. lately
we have been getting up early, around 5 o'clock & I don't like that very much. And after this war is over I ain't
going to do anything but sleep for about a week (with my arms around you of course). When are you going to send me them
pcitures. If you only knew how anxious I was to get them you would have sent them sooner. So don't forget, take
a lot of pictures and send them to me. I am glad that in your letters you aren't bawling me out anymore, so please keep
up the letters and stop bawling me out for I don't like to read them kind of letters. You can bawl me out all you want
when I get home. But I don't think you will have much time when I do for I am going to hug you and kiss you till
you almost smother to death. Well honey, it is getting late, so until tomorrow remember I love you very much.
I will try and write two letters tomorrow.
Your Loving Husband
PVT Dutch
PS How is the baby? Write and tell me what she is doing. Hugs
& Kisses, loving you always.

21, 1943
Wheeler, Georgia
Deariest Cass,
Well another day is done. I just got in from night manuevers it’s around 12:00 a.m. and they had coffee
and doughnuts for us. We learned how sound traveles at night and how to travel by the stars. Boy, it sure is dark
out in these Georgia woods and we made it. Just before we left for the night manuevers we had the parade but I was not
in it, for I had to go to the dentist. I have 6 teeth to be filled and I had two filled today. They hurt me a
little but I made it all right. Guess what, the dentist that filled my teeth was from South Philly and he used to go
with a girl in Atchison, the ice cream place down 71st and Elmwood Ave. next to the Scatch. Remember the
last time I had my front tooth filled by Dr. Swigles, well he knew him too. Its funny how you bump into people from
your home town. I got your dollar that you sent me and it was a life saver, for I needed writing paper and shaving blades
and cigarettes. You are the best girl and my only girl in the world for me honey, so don’t ever worry about me
going out with any other girl. All the fellows kid about me writing you every night, but I just say, if you had a wife
like mine you would too. As for what I do at nights honey, don’t worry about me, for all I do is clean up my rifle
and go to the library and read about everything about warfare. It’s the only way to get anywhere in this man’s
army. So Sweeatheart pray that this war will end soon, so that we may be together again. That is the only thing
I am looking forward to. But honey, until then we will have to take it on the chin. But when we are together again,
I will pay up for lost time. “Right.” Well I don’t have any more paper and there isn’t
anybody here to borrow some off of . Good night Sweetheart.
I love you,
PVT Dutch
hugs and kisses } millions

July 22, 1943
Camp Wheeler, Georgia
Dear Sweetheart,
Today was Thursday and we learned how to throw hand grenades. There wasn’t much to it. Tomorrow I
go to the dentist again and I guess he will fill the rest of my teeth. Boy will I be glad when I get through with having
my teeth filled, for you know how much I like a dentist. I got the pictures today and they were very good, it just made
me feel like leaving this camp and coming home. If you only knew how lonely I was for the longing to see you and the
baby. I showed the pictures to all the fellows and they thought I had a very nice wife and baby. Boy that made
me feel mighty proud that I had such a beautiful wife and baby. (No kidding).
If you could only come and visit me I could introduce you to all the fellows. The next time I write my mother,
I will ask her to give you the money for my birthday present. Would that be swell if she does. Of course, you
have to leave the baby at my mother’s for she would want to take care of it till you come back. If everything
goes all right you can let me know and I will make the arangements at the guest house. It was very hot down here today
and I am sweating like heck as I am writing this letter. Boy “honey”, I sure liked the pictures and I wish
you would send me a lot more. Well next week will be my seventh and before you know it I will be home on furlough.
So good night sweetheart. Remember me in your dreams for I do you in mine.
P.S. I wish I could see you, love.

Pvt. C. Hildrenbrand
Co. f. 11th Battalion
Camp Wheeler, GA
To: Miss Kathy
2621 S. Robinson Street
Phila., PA.
Dearest Kathy:
I hear that you are growing up to be a big girl, and breaking every thing
that you get your hands on. Well your daddy will be home pretty soon and then we will have a great time together, and
you better have a great big kiss for me. Your daddy loves and misses you and mommy very much and can hardly wait to
see both of you.
Your loving daddy xoxoxoxo
24, 1943
Camp Wheeler, Georgia
Dear Sweetheart,
Well today is Saturday and we got another shot. All we did today is go and in the morning and learn how to go
in battle, then we ate and after that we went to the movies and saw tanks, so that we could identify our own tanks from the
enemies. After that we went up the infirmary and had our shot. By that time it was 3:00 o’clock and the
commanding officer said we could have the rest of the day off. I washed out my clothes and things and then took a shower.
I am now writing you this letter and it was the first time I ever got a chance to write you so early in the day. After
I finish this letter I am going to clean my rifle good. I got a letter from you this afternoon, so I guess I’ll
get another tonight.
I look at the pictures you sent me every chance I get and it makes me feel very homesick. I can hardly wait till
I can get a furlough, but it won’t be long, (I hope). Have you been going to the hospital regularly? I hope
so, for I don’t want anything to go wrong, for it would drive me crazy. Gee honey, if you only knew how much I
missed you. I can’t express myself in words, but when I get home I will demonstrate. How does Jimmy look?
I guess your mother was very happy when she saw him. Gosh sweetheart, I only wished it was me coming home to see you.
But my time will come and then we will be the happiest couple on earth. I guess I’ll go to the movies tonight
so until tomorrow, I remain loving you always.

July 24, 1943
Camp Wheeler, Georgia
Dear Sweetheart,
Today I got 3 letters, two from you and one from my mother. My mother said that you were leaving the baby with
her when Jimmy comes home on furlough. She also said that you were taking very good care of the baby, keeping her clean
at all times. My mother said that they love the baby more every day and nobody could but help love her. When I
looked at the pictures of the baby, I though I was looking at myself in my young days when I was just as old as her.
Ask my mother to show you the pictures, when I was young, then you will see the likeness of me and the baby. Don’t
you think so? My mother sent me two pictures of the baby, she said they were taken after easter. Did you see them?
She said she was getting one of them enlarged and was gong to send an enlargement to me. So I hope she gets them soon.
In your letter today you said you would like me to come home when the time comes for you to have the baby. Well I'd
like to see anybody stop me from coming home when the time comes. If you want to, you can go down to Red Cross and tell
them that you want me home when the time comes for you to have the baby. And tell them you had trouble with the last
baby and almost had a cesearian birth and being sick all the time. You know, make it like you need me very much and
I know you do. Most of all things I want to be home near you when the time comes. When Kathy first arrived I was
one of the happiest men alive and I want to be there when Carl, Jr. comes along. And above all, I want to be besides
you to help ease the pain, for I know without me it would be too hard on you. So if I get a furlough or not I am coming
home. But if you go to the Red Cross and tell them how things are they will get in tough with my camp and they will
get a furlough for me. That’s what the officer said to do when any emergency comes along at home. So do
that will you? Today I went to the dentist again and had 3 more teeth filled and I have another appointment for Monday.
Hope he finishes up Monday for I don’t think I can stand it much longer. This is one dentist, I can’t back
out of. I have two bad ones coming up and I know they will hurt me very much, so Monday at 10:00 o’clock remember
me having my teeth filled and picture me yelling all over the place. Well honey tomorrow is inspection again and they
are getting tougher all the time. When you see Jimmy tell him I was asking for him and ask him if he got Ted’s
last letter. I wrote him. It was a good idea you sending me a birthday card to send your grandmother on her birthday.
Well as soon as I get it, I’ll mail it right out. Honey you ask me what I do at nights, well as I told yu before
all I do is sit around till about 9:00 p.m. and then go to bed, or go to the movies once in a while. If you could only
see how busy they keep us here you would understand why I go to bed so early. Well sweetheart, I am going to hit the
hay, so until tomorrow, good night and god bless you and the babies for I love you all more than life itself.
Loving you always,
PVT Dutch
P.S. I love you and miss you xxxxxx kisses millions and hugs

July 25, 1943
Camp Wheeler, Georgia
Dear Sweetheart,
Well today is Sunday and all I have been doing is laying around and reading the papers and taking a nap every now and
then. Friday is payday and I am looking forward to it very much for I am broke as hell. I will only get $10.75
with all the stuff taken out, so that won’t be very much for I owe out most of it already. Boy if I could only
hit a card or crap game like Baird Smity did, that would sure be heaven. Then I could send you and the baby a lot of
things, but as it stands I won’t be able to send you anything so please don’t be angry at me, honey. The
fellow next to me gets the Bulletin every day and by the headlines we sure are going to town on Sicily, and I hope it won’t
be long before Italy falls for the war won’t last very much longer. (I hope). I got a letter from you today
saying Jimmy was home. Boy I only wish it was me. You say your father, mother, Joey and Aggie and Jimmy are going
down the shore for the weekend. Why didn’t you go, write and tell me where you went for I would very much like
to know. You say the baby is very good, well she always was when I was home and I only wished I was home to play and
hug and kiss her. Gee, honey at least you have the baby with you so you know how I feel being here all alone without
you or the baby. When I come home I ain’t going to leave you or the baby for 1 second. Dinner just sounded
so I will mail this and write another letter tonight.
Loving you always,
P.S. hug’s and kisses

July 25, 1943
Camp Wheeler, Georgia
Dear Sweetheart,
Well it is now 11:00 o’clock and I just came back from the movies. I wrote your mother, grandmother and
Aunt Emma and my mother, so you see I had a pretty busy day writing to everyone. Tomorrow I go to the dentist and I
think I’ll do a little yelling for he is going to work on the worst cavities. There are two of them and after
that 3 small ones then I will be finished and o’boy will I be glad. After this I am going to take care of my teeth
for I don’t want to see a dentist for a long time. Tomorrow night I go on guard duty for the first time, and I
am on duty for 2 hours and off 4 hours. Just think, 2 hours of continuous walking, I bet I’ll be a wreck the next
day for you know how much I like to sleep. Tell Jimmy he ought to get in a marine outfit and that is the infantry.
I bet I know twice as much as he does about the weapons used in warfare. Well honey how is your behavior, do you still
miss me as much as you say you do? Boy sweetheart this is one man that is going to be seen with his wife and children every
second of the day when he comes home. Believe me! I don’t think you realize how I feel about me being so
far away from you. If I was only near home so I could see you and the babies every weekend. I wouldn’t hate
this army life so much. Its being separated from you that makes me feel so bad. So honey, I hope they send me
near home when my training is over. Don’t you? Well honey I will say goodnight and god bless you and the
babies. And whatever you want me to do for you let me know for I love you more than anything in the world.
Loving you always,
PVT Dutch
P.S. hugs and kisses xxxxxx millions

July 26, 1943
Camp Wheeler, Georgia
Dear Sweetheart,
Today is Monday, I had my front tooth filled. It wasn’t so bad, but I have 3 more to fill. I ain’t
going to have much sleep tonight for I am on guard duty and as soon as I am finished that I go out on the firing range and
fire the machine gun. If I make an all right, I will get another medal to go on my other one, so wish me luck.
Wednesday, we get up at 2 a.m. and go on a 15 mile hike and we won’t be back until the following night. Boy they
sure march us here, so when I get home I am going to take you for a nice long walk, alright.
Well how does Jimmy like being home? I guess he wished he could stay home forever. Gee honey, I sure am
looking forward to coming home, for I miss you more everyday. In the letter I wrote to my mother, I asked her to give
you the money to come here to see me for my birthday. So when you go out there, ask her about it, for I am anxious to
find out what she says. So sweethheart, doesn’t that show that I miss you more than any thing on earth.
I have to sign off now for I have to get ready to go out on duty, so until tomorrow sweetheart, I remain loving you and missing
you more and more every day.
Loving you always,
PVT Dutch
P.S. I love you and the babies very much xxxxx millions

July 27, 1943
Camp Wheeler, Georgia
Dearest Sweetheart,
I received the two letters you wrote me Sunday, saying how lonely you were. Well honey every time before I write
a letter I look at the pictures you sent me. If you only knew how I felt when I write to you, I can’t explain
my feelings by words, but one thing I know is that I would not want to be separated from you or the babies ever again.
I guess we both learned a lot in the two months that we have been away from each other. But honey we both have to make
the best of it until this damm war is over with and when this war is over, just think how happy we will be. I bet we
won’t ever have any fights again, at least not me. Well to tell you what I did today! I went on guard duty
at 3 a.m. till 5 a.m. Tuesday morning. Then I ate breakfast, after breakfast, we went down the range. We fired
the machine guns till about 12 O’clock, then we ate dinner. After dinner we went down the pits and opeated the
targets. You ought to hear those bullets whistle over my head. I hate to think of what would happen if they ever
hit us, that went on til 5:30, then we cleaned up and went back to our barracks and ate supper. After supper, they gave
us each a machine gun to clean up and what a job that was. So now I am in the writing room writing this letter.
I think its about 8:30 now and after I finish writing this letter, I am going to take a shower and go to bed, for we have
to get up at 2 o’clock this morning to go on a 15 mile hike. I also have to go to the dentist at 7:30 so I don’t
know how its going to work out. We have a radio in the reading room and I am now listening to a news flash, he is saying
that Italy might sign an Armistice and that there are rumors that there are uprisings all over Europe. Gee honey, won’t
it be wonderful if the war were over soon. Remember in my earlier letters I predicted this war would end in about 6
months. Well the way things are going I wouldn’t doubt if I were right. So honey pray with me that everything
turns out like the news commentator says. In your letter tonight you said something about a side girl! What does that
mean? Please answer and explain what you mean, for it has me puzzled. I did not get the cigarettes yet, but I
am expecting them any day now. Boy they sure will come in handy. Sweetheart, I think you asked me to send your
Grandmother something for her birthday. Well dear, I would if I could, but the first people I would send something is
for my wife and child , for they come first. But as the situation is, I don’t think I could send anybody anything
for some time. Honey I don’t think you realize how much I have for myself at the end of the month. You figure
it out yourself, but here is what I have taken out of my pay. $28.00 – alotement; $6.00 – insurance; $1.50 –
laundry; $3.75 – Bond’s $38.25 deductions.
Then figure out all the things I need to buy myself like soap, razors, toothpaste, shaving cream, rifle oil, brillo,
brushes to clean out my rifle and mess kit, sock’s and they cost 50� a pair. And there are a lot of small things
that come along that I need. So I guess that will give you some idea of what money I have. Don’t get the
idea that I want you to send me any money, for I only want to explain this so that people won’t say to you that I have
a lot of money to spend every payday and that I should be able to send you and the baby something every month. So I
am explaining these things to you so that you know what to say back to them and to ease your mind for I know every time somebody
says something to you about me, it makes you feel bad. And honey don’t think because I am telling you this that
I am trying to get out of sending you anything, for I want to send you everything I can, for if you only knew how I felt about
you. My love for you grows deeper and deeper as the days go by at times I want to go A.W.O.L. to come home to see you.
But so far I have resisted the urge. I hope that in your mind, you haven’t any doubts about my love for you.
Gee honey if you only knew how much I really missed you I will try to write you tomorrow so until then I remain loving you
something terrible.
Loving you always,
P.S. I am going to keep the pictures for a while yet, but I will take care of them, for I look at them everyday.
Hugs, squeezes and kisses } trillions

July 28, 1943
Camp Wheeler, Georgia
Dear Sweetheart,
Well today is Wednesday and we got up at 1:30 and ate our breakfast at 2 a.m. and then went on our hike. It wasn’t
very bad, for it was very cool. There weren’t any fellows that dropped out this time, so I guess it is the heat
that causes all the fellows to drop out other times. I am sending you the pictures that your asked me to send back to
you, but I am keeping the one of you and the baby so that when I get lonely, I can look at it, (alright). Don’t
forget when you go out, my mothers house, ask her about the letter I sent her and see what she says about you coming to see
me. I hope she gives it to you, for I would like to see you more than anything in the world.
How does Jimmy like being home? I bet he’s the happiest guy on two feet. Well honey I am going to
cut this letter short for I am very tired and want to go to sleep. So until tomorrow, I remain loving you always, Sweetheart.
Your loving husband,
P.S. I love and miss you Honey. Xxxxxx millions.

July 30, 1943
Camp Wheeler, Georgia
Dearest Cass,
Well today is Thursday and all we did today was go out on the range and fire 16 shots at landscape targets. We
shot 8 in the morning and 8 in the afternoon and the rest of the time we layed under trees and went to sleep. I wish
everyday was like that. Did you ask my mother about you coming down here for my birthday? Well I though it over
and wondered if you couldn’t come here before my birthday, for as I said before our training ends Sept. 17th
and I think we get a furlough then, so try and get here sooner if my mother gives you the money. You said you sent me
cigarettes Monday, well as yet I didn’t receive them, so if you sent them Monday, I should have received them.
Well, tomorrow is payday, but it would be much of a big one for me, because I owe most of it out already. So I guess
I will invest the rest of it in a card game, so wish me luck honey for I need it. What have you been doing lately?
Did you take anymore pictures, I hope so, for I am looking frward to the next ones you send me. Is Jimmy enjoying himself
at home or does he like the army life better (I bet he wished he could stay home forever), I know I would and I would give
anything to be with you again. I wouldn’t leave you out of my sight for a second. You know its torture not
being able to see the one you love. Every night before I go to sleep I think of you, boy I sure miss holding you in
my arms and going to sleep that way. Don’t you? Boy when I see you again, you’d better look out for
I am going to hug and kiss you to death. Well I can’t think of anything else to say except that I love you more
than anything in the world.
Loving you always,
P.S. Kiss the baby for me. I love both of you xxxxxxxx

July 31, 1943
Camp Wheeler, Georgia
Dear Sweetheart,
I received two letters this afternoon, but none tonight. When did you send the cigarettes, I sitill did not get
them and today is Friday. I wonder if they got lost. When did you send them? Well tomorrow is payday and
in my letter Thursday, I told you Friday was payday, but I had my dates mixed up for I thought Thursday was the 30th.
I will let you know how much I received when I get it. Today we set mines and tank traps, and in the afternoon we went
through the obstacle course. An obstacle course is when you jump fences and swing across streams on a rope and all that
stuff you see in the movies about the commandos. All night tonight I cleaned my rifle and mess kit, boy that sure is
a job every Friday for they have to be clean as a mirror.
It is now 10:30 and I still have to shave and take a shower. Every week on Friday, we have to get a haircut.
You ought to see me in a G.I. haircut. Does Jimmy still have his swing haircut, if he does he gets away with murder
for if our hair is too long we get gigged. Over the radio tonight a report came in that Italy was ready to surrender.
So I hope it won’t be long before Germany and Japan give in. I am sending the baby my last picutre so that she
knows who her daddy is, so that when I come home she calls me daddy. Gee honey I sure miss you and the baby for I love
you more than anything in the world. I hope you aren’t worrying too much about me for I wouldn’t do anything
in the world to hurt you for I love you too much.
I’ll love you always,
P.S. Send me a big picture of yourself. Love, hugs and kisses xxxxxxx trillionsly

July 31, 1943
Camp Wheeler, Georgia
Dear Sweetheart,
Well today was payday and I received $16 dollars. It was more than I expected and I was very glad for I owed $10 dollars
out and I went up to the P.X. and bought a shaving blade, soap and all the things needed and when I was through I had
$3 dollars left. I guess I will invest that in a card game tomorrow honey, so wish me luck. I just heard that
we had our training lengthened to 17 weeks and am I disgusted, for it will make it that much longer for me to see you.
(Am I mad). So honey I guess you have to get the money to come and see me for I really want to see you more than anything
in the world. The officer told us today that when our training is over, we will get a two week furlough unless we go
in some other branch of service. Won’t that be swell! Gee honey I sure wished I could get my arms around
you and the baby and hugging and kissing you both. Today, before inspection, I had to go through most of the letters
you sent me for my locker was full of them. I sure hated to tear them up. What do you do with the letters I send
you? Well I can’t think of anything more to say except that I love you more than anything in the world.
So be good and take very good care of yourself and the babies.
Loving you always,
P.S. I love you